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Warwick University confirm Rp for ALPS Devices against competitor products - Download full Report

Updated: Feb 23

Advanced Lightning Protection Systems Ltd offer ESE (Early Streamer Emission) solutions for protection from lightning strikes, these devices conform to NF C 17-102: 2011 which is the standard issued by the AFNOR standardisation body. We currently offer two devices which are a 35.5 and a 60. To ensure that you will be satisfied with our products, over the duration of several years we have involved several Universities and testing facilities in the development of our systems. Our latest collaboration with Warwick University confirms the Rp (Radius of Protection) that was performed on our devices according to the NF C 17-102: 2011 standard.

Rp (Radius of Protection) report WMG Warwick University

The following is information provided by Dr Daniel Peavoy (PhD, MMath / Innovation Manager / WMG SME Group) from The University of Warwick.


"This report provides calculations of the Radius of Protection 𝑅𝑝 provided by Early Stream Emission Air Terminal (ESEAT) devices installed to protect against lightning strikes. The calculations were done according to standard NF C 17-102. The results are presented for ALPS’ ESEAT device, using data provided by the company."


"An Early Stream Emission Air Terminal (ESEAT) is a lightning protection device that is designed to provide additional protection over an equivalent Simple Rod Air Terminal (SRAT) of the same size. The ESEAT provides a mechanism to encourage ionisation near its tip, and the theory implies that its lightning capture area is greatly increased. AFNOR, the French national standardization body, issues a standard, NF C 17-102, covering this technology. ALPS Ltd have developed and manufactured an ESEAT device and have commissioned the required tests of the device against this standard. The current report presents calculations, based on these tests, and according to the standard. The tests are to estimate the efficiency Δ𝑇 of the ESEAT, which is roughly equivalent to the reduction in time taken for electric field brake down when compared to the SRAT device as a reference. The value of Δ𝑇 must be greater than 10 μs for it to qualify as an ESEAT device. The maximum value for Δ𝑇, whatever are the test results, is 60 μs.

The results in this report are presented “as is” following the calculation procedure presented in NF C 17-102."

"There are some products on the market that report greater protection values, possibly because the calculations have been performed using a different formula" showing values "higher than those obtained using Δ𝑇=60𝜇𝑠 and the formula in NF C 17-102." These values aren't calculated using the standard available for ESE systems.



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